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Understanding Mind - body coherence, feeling, Actions,  Environment, Biology, chemistry, Physics Genetics, Nutrition, physical exercise. Natural healing, self care.



The more you delve into yourself the more you realise how complex everything is! We aim to simplify the information as much as possible so its easily digestable (Wink wink). 


So we now know the mind is the catalyst to our feelings and actions or at least stores information from our experiences and forms our beliefs which we then act on, based from our own personal perception. The physical workings of how all of this happens is in the science! How this is relevant, is that in our bodies, if we dont have the correct environment for chemical processes to work effectively, we can become seriously ill. People recognise lack of good food, exercise with poor physical health but this also greatly impacts our mental health. If our brains arent getting or giving the right signals or our hormones arent producing enough feel good chemicals for example, it can leave us feeling depressed, suffering from brain fog, memory loss and more. The essence of a healthy mind is based on what we put in and on our body so when we process thoughts, we recieve the right signals to feel and act rationally and not get over emotional which leads to bad decision making. This is also true for gaining enough sleep, exercise and recieving good vibes. 


This is why sometimes, fixing your issues with talking therapies alone may not help as much as you would like! The thought is the first step to a healthy body and mind, but if your trying to feel good through thought alone but continuing to distrubt your internal functions, you may find yourself stuck and unable to stay persistent with the new habits you are trying to create. 


First, lets look at the elements of science 



explains how we are made up, our cells that make up organans and their processes. 



The Role of Chemical Reactions in Our Bodies.
From extracting energy and nutrients from food to regulating movement, response, and recovery, chemical reactions play an essential role in our body's functions. In fact, nearly every internal process in our bodies involves a chemical reaction.



Explaining Bodily Functions Using the Laws of Physics
The laws of physics have numerous applications in the human body. From the mechanics of muscles and body movements to the fluid mechanics of blood and air flow, physics is essential to understanding how our bodies work. It also helps explain the acoustic properties of the ears (sound waves), vision optics (light waves), heat and energy and electrical signaling.






Your body is your souls vehicle and its important to look after it like you would with a car! A diesel can't function  if you put petrol into it! It will also decline in efficiency if you don't top up the water and oil, change tires when needed etc. Why do so many people fail to look after what goes in and on their body? Main reason is because there's no immediate signs of wear and tear. You don't get liver failure from a night on the drink, you don't get overweight from a Pizza on a Friday night. I'm all up for a drink and a pizza and believe the best diet is a balanced one as its more sustainable. However, some people abuse their body by putting stuff into it that isn't good day after day. Over a period of time, your body will respond and not in a good way. Just like a car not getting the correct fuel, your body will fail to sustain. This is why its important to eat nutritional food that our body's need to function. 



Back to the car example. If you don't use a car for a few month, the battery can go flat. If your not using your body, your joints can stiff up, your muscles will deplete. The importance to move your body is also good for your metabolism which breaks down the food we eat as well as your over all mood and vibration.  



People know about the importance of eating nutritious food and exercise, but what they may not realize is our environment is an important factor too. The very air we breath, the clothes we wear, the products we use, all emitting chemicals and frequecy that can affect our cells and chemical processes. 



This is a one most of us will be aware of. Good sleep improves your brain performance, mood, and health. Not getting enough quality sleep regularly raises the risk of many diseases and disorders. These range from heart disease and stroke to obesity and dementia.



This is a one most people may not be aware of. Everything in life vibrates at a certain frequency. Even things that appear to be still! Your food, your clothes even the friends you associate with all operate on a frequency. These frequencies ommit energy which your body absorbs. If its negative energy, you may be subseptiple to feel depressed, tired, drained.  If it's positive, you will also absorb this and may feel relaxed, joyful and content. Without going deep into the science, energy vibrations can effect the functions of your cells. Even your thoughts have a vibration and this is where the concept of manifestation comes from. Your thoughts can become things. If your thoughts are sending out vibrations of a poistive nature, you will attract positive things in life. To explore more about this, do a dive into quantum physics - I reccomend following Dr Jo Dispenza and DR Bruce lipton. 

My tips for this will be, get outdoors more, connect with the earth (grounding) practice meditation, grattitude and manifestation techniques. Be aware of your energy around people, or when wearing certain fabrics/colours etc. 

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