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How the mind works, how to control it, psychology, counselling (depression, anxiety) – Belief systems, addictions, , developing good habits, finding your authentic self. Creative exploration, 



Do you know who you are, truly? Do you accept yourself and love yourself and all of your flaws? OR are you constantly looking for external validation and unable to navigate your life for you own purpose, to benefit you! We've been so conditioned to think and act a certain way, we are constantly looking for clues on how to behave around others. Ever noticed how we change depending on who we are around? Now this wont go for everyone. Those that know who they are and are comfortable in their own skin have mastered their mind and hats off to them as its not easy for most. If you think you know who you are but over analyze conversations or suffer social anxiety (just to name a few), then you need to work on yourself! The beliefs we hold about ourselves is the key to moving forward :)


Thoughts become things


Every negative emotion is triggered from a negative thought or a negative action. With the negative action, we store a belief that can be triggered to release negative emotions over and over again. But can we really think our way out of our struggles? I believe its certainly a good place to start. No matter what your situation is, theres ways to overcome which starts with the decision, enough is enough. When you know what you want out of life, you can begin to focus on this and in turn, make better decisions with your desires in mind. However, in this day and age, we are very much living in the past or the future, or, we are distracted so we never give ouself a chance to manifest the life we want. That and eating bad food and making bad choices which continuely have us spiralling out of control further into the negative spectrum of energy. 


Lets look at where you focus your thoughts



Depression - Most people who suffer depression are said to be living in the past,  Over playing situations, suffering from trauma. The beliefs you have from your past create who you are today and govern the decisions you make about your future. Which of your beliefs are holding you back? 



Anxiety - Most people who suffer anxiety are said to be living in the future. Worrying about things that haven't happened yet or may not even happen at all. The worry of the future is also linked to our past and the beliefs we have about ourselves. 



Peace - This is where the magic is. When we truly live in the present, moment to moment, without feeling sad about the past or worrying about the future we have the power to think and feel anything we want. 



Life can be hard. It's always been hard and will continue to be hard but we can choose not to become victim to it. But please know, your past, no matter how hard, does not or at least should not define your limits and what you are capable of doing going forward. Before you shoot me down, I used to take this statement as an insult, but the people I've met and stories I've listened to, how people have overcome struggles through adversity, poverty, abuse is so inspiring and brought me to the realization that we can all create our own reality and it starts with belief systems.


Thinking of our past and using our failures as lessons and being grateful for even the adversities will allow you to accept what was and let go and release trapped trauma. Thinking about the future is great to work out what you want and allow youself to vision a path. So it's not just where your thought goes but what your thoughts are telling you. Having goals, breaking them down and being present in the process, enjoying each moment will give a sense of calm knowing your in the right place at the right time and everything will work out, step by step.


Dont make it just about the destination, make it about the journey :). 




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