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Hayley Morrison Outloud #10 2.0 YOU (From the inside out)

Wow, I'm actually in a great mood. Woohoo. Its so strange how we go through phases in life. Remember that this is exactly what happens - We go through phases. Some great, some exciting, some Absolutely shit! I'm thinking the trick is just not letting the low points drag you down too much. But also to be grateful for the low parts. Recognize that these are what makes us stronger, where we grow through failure and disappointment and how we can identify the good times and feel blessed.

I've struggled the last few weeks while documenting my journey and something has clicked. I've listened to so many gurus and read books but found someone that I feel like hits more of a nerve. I would suggest if your struggling, to try things, really try things but if they don't work for you, don't give up, it just means you haven't found YOUR thing yet.

So the single thing I feel like everyone would benefit from which I've took from Clark, is to work from the inside out. Sometimes giving yourself tasks to do to change your habits fade out and those triggers come back. People will say, you have to be positive and to most this is a kick in the teeth because the thought of it being that simple probably pisses you off a little bit (am I right?) Surely if your in this position it must be more complex than that to get out of? But, What if it is that simple?

So I'm putting it to the test lol trying to be positive won't harm will it? Ok so now you think, well what is there to be positive about? I'm skint, im fat, I have no friends, My partner just left me etc etc. This is where the 2.0 version comes in. You are in your situation but your not happy. Think firstly of the situation you would like to be in. Where would you be, what would you be doing, what would it look and feel like to be a better version of who you are now? Of course there will be barriers and challenges, but having that intention to start to think of a happier time, a better life where your thriving is a good start to getting that brain working. When you start to think of this 2.0 version of yourself, you will start to experience a little of what that feels like. With those feelings come better beliefs and then actions - Thoughts, feelings, actions. So when your in a more positive state, your able to see the brighter side to life, and ultimately make better choices.

Now some limiting beliefs will be deep routed and it is worth trying to challenge these a long the way. What do you believe about yourself and where have these believes come from? Truly understand that these believes can change you just have to do a little work to get to the route and remove them or change them by new conscious, intended believes, where new actions can be made, which will automatically prove otherwise.

So, work out which beliefs need to change and what are the new ones you would like to adopt. Wake up everyday with an intension of thinking and feeling what this new you, new life is like, and be consistent. Meditation is a great way to visualize and confirm your affirmations of you 2.0 self.

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