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Hayley Morrison Outloud #9 PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE

Updated: Dec 8, 2022

Our current place in life is the result of our choices. Our choices are based from our belief systems. Our belief systems are formed growing up through experiences and through what we are told - Beliefs passed down from parents, teachers, peers etc. Our beliefs about our past and future influence how we feel and therefore how we act or in most cases react to people and situations.

What choices have you made to get to where you are? Were they good choices? What could you have done different. Where would you like to be and what choices would you have to make to get there?

I'm still on a journey to get to my happy place. I know what i'm doing wrong I just don't have the ability atm to put the new habits in place. however I feel like I now know what I should do to help me with this process. Bad habits aren't as easy to shake off no matter what people might tell you. We are much more complex than simply having the strength to say no.

If your like me. Figure out why you are making the same mistakes. What is this bad habit providing for you? Where else could you get the result it gives but from something less destructive to your body and life. For me, Simply having a plan and discipline to say no to all the yummy treats in the kitchen is too hard and I swear my body and the cravings take over my brain. I am unable to remove these temptations, so I need to remove myself instead lol This means, getting out of the house as much as I can.

I also need something to look forward to and to engage in an activity that makes me feel alive. I have just accepted a temp job roll which will get me out of the house. It will give me a sense of purpose and hopefully I will meet new people and feel like i'm living little. Having to dress properly without just putting on leggings and a hoodie will also help make me more conscious and aware when thinking about what I will consume.

See my video next week to see how I get on. Wish me Luck :)

p.s My opinion - if your habits are to block out past emotions, Id recommend getting professional help to process them and release them. Without dealing with past emotions, you will find triggers may return and your back to square one.

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